Priority Services
Registration Form

By signing up to the Priority Services Register, you will receive extra support to keep you warm and safe if you ever lose your gas or electricity supply at home. This support can be for you, or someone else in your household. NGN can apply for you. All you need to do is fill out and submit the form below.

On your behalf, we will then share your personal details with either Northern Powergrid, or Electricity Northwest, depending on where you live and who supplies your electricity. We do this because these two companies manage the Priority Services Register. They will then sign you up to the register. Both these companies have regulations around how they will use and store your personal details. For more information on how Northern Powergrid and Electricity Northwest will handle your personal details, please click here.

There are other ways that you can apply to be on the Priority Services Register if you prefer not to fill out this form. You can apply directly with either of following:

They will ask for some personal information about you, including about any health conditions that you might have, and whether you are of pensionable age.

If you prefer the telephone, you can also call the Northern Gas Networks Customer Care Team on 0800 040 7766 (option 3). Explain that you would like to apply to be on the Priority Services Register, and our colleagues will talk you through what the register offers, and then ask you for some personal information about your circumstances.

Address Details


Please select all relevant options if you qualify and would like to be registered for the Priority Services Register:

Medically Dependant
Mental Health Care
Poor Mobillity
Age Related
Alternative Communication
Temporary Support

Partner Code (optional)

If our partners have provided you with a 3-digit partner code, please enter it below.

Privacy Agreement

Further information on the Northern Gas Networks GDPR and privacy policy can be found here.